(REVIEW) Organic Skin Japan : 100% Herbal Whitening Soap

"the following review are my own opinion based on my experience while testing the said product for at least a week or two."

Taking part in promoting an eco-friendly lifestyle, Organic Skin aims to provide consumers with high quality, chemical-free and effective products.

Organic Skin Japan's 100% All Natural Herbal Whitening Soap

Papaya Extract, Licorice, Alpha Arbutin, Bearberry Virgin Coconut Oil, African Palm Kernel Oil, Water Caustic Soda, Distilled Water and Parfum Oil.

- Deep Cleansing
- Anti-Acne
- Revitalizing & Smoothening


P149 / $3

This product is said to be All-Natural, FDA-Approved, Dermatologist-Tested and Clinically Proven.

I scrub the soap directly onto my skin until i get the lather i prefer, wait for about 2-3 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.

This smells very nice and mild. Usually, whitening soaps has a very strong smell but this doesn't. It's also very mild on the skin. At first, i was expecting some redness or itchiness or even mild peeling but thank god, i didn't have such episode. It's very nourishing and it cleanses my skin really well making it smoother after every wash. Another thing, i love how it lathers nicely. I have tried commercialized whitening soaps before and didn't really like what i experienced with them because they're very strong on my skin as i have sensitive / dry skin on my body so i really became skeptical with using whitening soaps until i proved that those from local brands and made with all natural ingredients doesn't do any harm on my skin. And this is not an exception! Lastly, i even thought i was going to have white flaky skin on my elbows which normally happens to me but nope! Not a single time.

I didn't experience any itchiness, redness, dryness or any discomfort but you need to cut and store it properly because it dissolves extremely quickly.

This soap is one of the mildest so far. As you all know, i cut my soaps and i did cut this into two (i usually cut it into 4). Like what i said, the soap really dissolves quickly as each cut lasts for 5 days and since it dissolved too fast, i wasn't able to see or notice if it whitened my skin but nonetheless, it really did nourish and cleanse my skin effectively. So if you guys would ask me if i would repurchase this, yes! Because it didn't do anything bad. And it's made with all-natural ingredients! It's a must-try. It will change your perception of orange-colored whitening soaps. RECOMMENDED! ⭐️⭐️

90/100 ✨

DISCLAIMER : What works for me might not work for you and vice versa. Please do a patch test for 24 hours especially if you have sensitive skin before using any new products to make sure that it would not irritate your skin. If allergic reactions occur, rinse it off immediately and consult a doctor.

If you have questions / inquiries about the featured product or interested in buying, you can contact them directly through the links below. 💕


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