
Showing posts from February, 2017

(REVIEW) Pure Skin Rituals : Spring Clean Soap

"the following review are my own opinion based on my experience while testing the said product for at least a week or two." PRODUCT : Pure Skin Rituals' Spring Clean Soap. INGREDIENTS : Tea Tree, Guava Extract, Green Tea, Witch Hazel, Papain, Mulberry and Vitamin A, C and E. USES / BENEFITS : Anti-bacterial & Anti-acne. SIZE : 135g PRICE : P150 / $3 DETAILS : This product is said to be suitable for all skin types especially for Oily and Acne Prone. HOW TO USE : I use this on my face for my morning and night routine. PROS : I've decided to use this already because first, i have pets (pimples) on my forehead because my skin got so dry due to SG weather and PH polluted air. Luckily, after a week of using this and now (yes, i used this right away when i got back from my trip), my pimples are starting go away! And unlike Grace Soap from the same brand, this one doesn’t have much bubbles! But it doesn't dissolve as qui

(REVIEW) Skinlush : Premium Tomato Bar

"the following review are my own opinion based on my experience while testing the said product for at least a week or two." PRODUCT : Skinlush's Premium Tomato Bar. INGREDIENTS : Tomato Extract, Vitamin A, C, and E and Fruit Acids. USES / BENEFITS : Cleansing, Prevents Pimples, Tightens and Minimizes Pores. SIZE : 100g PRICE : P150 / $3 DETAILS : This product is said to also reduce skin oiliness. HOW TO USE : I rub this directly on my body and wait for a minute or two before rinsing. PROS : EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SOAP IS AMAZING! I used this on my body during my whole stay in SG. That was almost a month and this baby didn't look used much! That's how long before it dissolves. Even if you keep using it! First time i used this, it did wonders already! DEAD SKIN MAGICALLY AND VOLUNTARILY CAME OFF! I totally love the cleansing effect of this! And it really helps preventing pimples (i have problems with having pimples on the chest area and h

(REVIEW) Skin Bounty PH : Grapeseed Oil

"the following review are my own opinion based on my experience while testing the said product for at least a week or two." PRODUCT : Skin Bounty PH's Grapeseed Oil. INGREDIENTS : Pure Grapeseed Oil. USES / BENEFITS : Anti-pimple, Minimize Pores, Whitening, Moisturizing. SIZE : 30ml. PRICE : P180 / $3.6 DETAILS : This product is said to be cold pressed and certified organic. HOW TO USE : After washing and applying toner, i put some on my fingers and massage on my face. PROS : First, i love how lightweight this oil is. It doesn't take too much time to be absorbed and i don't know if it's a beauty no no but i used this as a makeup primer when i was in SG because my face was too dry! Pimples are also starting to go bye-bye and pimple marks are fading! I also love how it makes my skin feels so soft when i wake up the next day. Feels so fresh and flawless! And it balances the oil on my face since i have a skin type of combination.  ❤️

(REVIEW) The Cold Process PH : Coco Body Bar

"the following review are my own opinion based on my experience while testing the said product for at least a week or two." PRODUCT : The Cold Process PH : Coco Body Bar INGREDIENTS : Coconut, Coconut Milk, Goat's Milk, Whole Milk and Virgin Coconut Oil. USES / BENEFITS : Skin Healing and Deep Cleansing. SIZE : 100g PRICE : P90. / $1.8 DETAILS : This product is made with all-natural ingredients and locally HANDMADE. 🍃 HOW TO USE : I use this directly on my face every night. PROS : I used this soap during my first two weeks in SG (yes, a cut of this soap lasted that long! To think that my dad is secretly using this too. 😒) the first time i washed my face with this, it actually amazed me! It calmed my face since my face was red and i don't know why. It happens all the time whenever i come home there and my face got itchy but this really helped me with my concerns! ❤️ i can tell that it cleansed my skin really good and it smells amazing!

(REVIEW) Mischka Nature Essentials : Lycopene Serum

"the following review are my own opinion based on my experience while testing the said product for at least a week or two." PRODUCT : Mischka Nature Essentials' Lycopene Serum. INGREDIENTS : NOT INDICATED. USES / BENEFITS : Nourishing, Pore Tightening, Prevents and Treats Acne. SIZE : 30ml. PRICE : P250 / $5 DETAILS : This product is said to also help you achieve a brighter and youthful appearance. HOW TO USE : Every night after applying toner, i put one pump of this on my fingers then massage evenly until it's fully absorbed. PROS : First, it smells so good! I used this product for about two weeks and it really helped tighten my pores! And it prevents acne too. :) i also love how it made my skin more blooming and hydrated. About the youthful appearance, my mom is the proof! Because i told her she can try this product since it's like an age-defying serum too. She fell in love with it after her first use! She said her skin feels fresh

(REVIEW) Pure Skin Rituals : Grace Soap

"the following review are my own opinion based on my experience while testing the said product for at least a week or two." PRODUCT : Pure Skin Rituals' Grace Soap. INGREDIENTS : Argan Oil, Rosehip Oil, Mulberry, Papain, Tomato Extract, Neem Extract, Hyaluronic Acid, Fruit Enzyme, Vitamin A, C, E and B3.  USES / BENEFITS  : Age-defying and Brightening. SIZE : 135g PRICE : P150 / $3 DETAILS : This product is said to be suitable for Dry, Normal, Oily and Combination skin types. HOW TO USE : I lather the soap in my hands and massage it on my face then rinse with warm water every morning. :) PROS : I used this during the last 10 days of my stay in SG. I brought moisturizing soaps since i know that my face always gets dry and flaky when i'm home. And this helped me with it! Not to mention that it made my skin extra soft and smooth too! The smell is sooooo good and very calming. Also, i just scrub a little on my hands and it can soap my whole