(REVIEW) Bubuchic PH : Detoxifying Activated Charcoal Facial Scrub

"the following review are my own opinion based on my experience while testing the said product for at least a week or two."

Bubuchic is a local brand from the Philippines that sells Cruelty-Free, Safe and Natural Skincare and Makeup Products perfect for all Filipinas (and foreigns) skin tones and skin types!

Bubuchic PH's Detoxifying Activated Charcoal Facial Scrub

Jojoba Seeds, Kaolin Clay, Tea Tree Essential Oil and Activated Charcoal

- Detoxifying
- Removes Excess Oil
- Exfoliating


P150 / $3

This product is said to remove dead skin cells and dirt as well.

After washing my face with cleanser / soap, i scoop once for my forehead, chin, nose and both of my cheeks before scrubbing them in a circular motion and rinsing them off thoroughly.

It smells zesty yet mild which is good because i'm hyper sensitive when it comes to scented skincare products or even makeup. It's actually the first time that i'm trying a facial scrub which i personally think doubles up as detoxifying mask as well. But i don't let it sit for too long and just rinse it off right away once i'm satisfied with how much i scrubbed it on my skin. And even when i scrub it a little too much just because i like how it feels when i use it, it doesn't hurt! Not a single bit! Normally, my skin would become so dry when i use skincare products that has Activated Charcoal in it but thanks to the other ingredients, but this one didn't! Which amazed me since i'm used to that dryness afterwards and all of a sudden, i tried something that didn't. Aside from that, i usually have dry and red patches all over my face but after using this, it made them go away! It moisturized the dry areas of my face and balanced the oil on the excessive parts at the same time. And that's what i look for when it comes to skincare, it should be able to moisturize and remove excess oil as i have a combination skin type and this did a great job doing so. Lastly, it's very easy to rinse off! It's one of my struggles when i use scrubs or masks especially the ones with Activated Charcoal because they stain the our sink and sometimes, even harder to rinse.

No itchiness, redness, dryness or any discomfort were experienced while using this product.

I think that this is a genius product having said that it's not just a scrub but can also be a quick wash-off mask! This product is actually perfect for me and even for my sister who also uses it but not regularly. I've been using this product since mid-September for almost every other day yet i still have some! That's how long you can use a tub of this and it's very affordable knowing how much benefits your skin can get! Especially when you use public transportation in the Philippines, there are so many pollutants that can really be harmful to our skin that's why we must detox our skin by using scrubs and wash-off masks at least once or even twice a week. And this is the most ideal one because it's already two-in-one, this is just my personal opinion but i think it really works as mentioned. Definitely worth buying and trying! A must-have in skincare routines. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

100/100 ✨

DISCLAIMER : What works for me might not work for you and vice versa. Please do a patch test for 24 hours especially if you have sensitive skin before using any new products to make sure that it would not irritate your skin. If allergic reactions occur, rinse it off immediately and consult a doctor.

If you have questions / inquiries about the featured product or interested in buying, you can contact them directly through the links below. 💕


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