(REVIEW) Jellys Thailand : Pure Soap

"the following review are my own opinion based on my experience while testing the said product for at least a week or two."

Pure Soap is a product by Jellys, a skincare brand from Thailand and is being distributed here in the Philippines by Ms Michelle Wood, owner of Pink Candie Shoppe.

Jellys Thailand's Pure Soap

Cocos Nucifera Oil, Sodium Hydroxide, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Glutathione, Tocophercol, Rice Milk Fragrance and Vitamin E.

- Whitening
- Reduces Freckles and Dark Spots
- Eliminates Acne


P280 / $4.8

This product is said to whiten the skin in just 3 minutes and also suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin.

I rub the soap directly onto my skin until i get the lather i prefer and wait for about 3 - 5 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.

First, i love the box! It's so cute and girly! When i received this, i initially sniffed it and it smells nice! The scent is actually similar to rice soaps from Thailand that i've tried before when it was only Rice Soap and Tofu Soap were known from Thailand. I was a little skeptical when i saw that this can whiten your skin in just 3 minutes but surprisingly, it didn't dry up my skin! Hence, it made it very soft and smooth after washing. At first, i wasn't able to see if it really did whiten my skin but one thing's for sure, it gave my skin the radiance it needs! The next day, i observed it closely and i saw that it really whitened my skin. Not only that, it helped me whiten or even out my elbows and knees as they became darker because of the years of training Muay Thai. It's mild enough that i was able to use it on my face as well and it made my face feels so soft, smooth and balanced the oil of my indecisive combination skin type. Even though i already have fair skin, i'm sure it really did something good with my skin. Also, my skin smells so good the whole day even when i sweated the throughout the day! One more thing that i noticed is that, it lifts up the dead skin! I didn't have to use much force or effort to scrub it off because just the palm of my hand can scrub them! I cut my soaps into 4 but with this one, i was only able to cut it into 3 because the soap was really hard. Each cut lasted exactly 9 days! Not bad! It's actually the first time that i'm trying the brand, Jellys. And i must say, i'm loving it!

No itchiness, redness or dryness were experienced while using this product. But i did experience a little stinging on the sides of my nose when i used it on my face. Although it didn't last long.

It really works! I honestly didn't have much confidence with it as i'm not that familiar with Thai Beauty Products and i don't know what to expect from it. But i'm so satisfied with what it did to my skin! It was really true to its claims and made me happy! I know some of you think that it's pricey but this product is legit! It definitely gives you your money's worth! I would suggest this to anyone if they ask me what whitening soap i would recommend. Especially to those who wants to have milky white skin without going through and suffering the drying, peeling and stinging stages! It's a must-buy! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

100/100 ✨

DISCLAIMER : What works for me might not work for you and vice versa. Please do a patch test for 24 hours especially if you have sensitive skin before using any new products to make sure that it would not irritate your skin. If allergic reactions occur, rinse it off immediately and consult a doctor.

If you have questions / inquiries about the featured product or interested in buying, you can contact them directly through the links below. 💕


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